Legacy PAC has issued an endorsement of Elizabeth Helgelien for congress in Nevada’s 3rd district, announced Jared Craig President of Legacy PAC
Elizabeth Helgelien is a patriot who will fight for Nevada and this country. Elizabeth can flip this seat and Legacy PAC is here to help ”— Attorney Jared Craig President Legacy PAC
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA, October 30, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — From the press room of L-Strategies – the official press of Legacy PAC
PRESS LINK : https://www.einpresswire.com/article/665187541/legacy-pac-endorses-elizabeth-helgelien-for-congress-2024-nv3
Elizabeth Helgelien , a candidate for congress in Nevada’s 3rd district has been endorsed by the political action committee Legacy PAC.
Elizabeth Helgelien earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Corban University in Salem, OR. She is a member of Psi Chi, the International honor society in psychology.
Elizabeth Helgelien is a former State Senator and the youngest female State Senator in the history of Nevada. During her time at the NV legislature, Elizabeth served on the Senate Revenue committee, the Senate Commerce, Labor and Energy committee, as well as the Senate Transportation committee.
Elizabeth Helgelien is a proven conservative who brings common sense to government. Her bulletproof conservative record on the issues earned her a rare 100% American Conservative Union rating. She earned an NRA A-rating in 2011 AND 2018 said Jared Craig.